Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Curves IS NOT for wussies

I took a major step today as I started yet another weight loss attempt. I would be telling a big, fat lie if I said that over the last six year, since Lani was born, that I had really tried to lose weight. My idea of a diet pretty much consisted of only eating chocolate on any day that ended in "y." I love to eat and I do not love to exercise ... that is a bad combination any way that you add it up.

Over the last six years, it has just gotten worse and worse. I've thought about all the surgeries that are out there for weight loss, but I didn't want to do that because if you have the surgery and still don't lose weight then that would really make you a loser and not the good kind ... plus, our insurance doesn't cover it so it is totally out of the question!

Oh, I forgot to tell you what my big step was .... I joined Curves. I can hear the applause now. Joining Curves was a big deal for me. Number One, it mean that I was paying money to exercise so I had to do it and, Number Two, I had to get past all the "girly gym" thoughts that kept going through my head. I used to work out a lot and believe it or not I was in really good shape. But that was many years ago. I would go to the gym to pump iron and get all buff and stuff.

Now my biggest challenge in the gym is getting on and off the equipment. I think my arms and legs are getting shorter as my body is getting rounder. Before today when I would tell someone I was thinking about joining Curves, I would almost whisper it, because I thought it was a "girly gym." Let me tell you in the best way I know how .... Curves IS NOT for wussies!

My new good friend and drill sergeant Judy got me signed up at Curves. Now, Judy is probably not old enough to be my grandmother, but she is a good bit older than I am. I figured she would go easy on me my first day as she explained all the equipment to me and how to use it. Boy, was I ever wrong. Judy took me through the circuit twice, like I will do every day when I work out and I thought I was going to die. You would have thought I had never been on exercise equipment in my life. She kept pushing me harder and showing me the right way to do things ... and the right was is not the easiest way .... believe me!

There was one machine she put me on and she told me that it would work my abs. At this point, I don't have abs .... it's more like flabs. She showed me how to do it and put me on the machine. "Can't you bend over any more than that?" she asked me. "Well, no! I can't get past my gut!" I already know that I hate that machine.

We finally finished our workout and it was time to stretch and cool down. What a joke! I could hardly move at this point and I was sweating like a pig! I was light-headed and I think I saw a few stars too (and I'm not talking about George Clooney and Brad Pitt). I really tried to stretch, but I ran into that short arm and short leg thing again ... man, that is a pain. Finally, I think Judy felt sorry for me and just told me to roll around on the floor until I felt something stretch. Thanks for your mercy, Judy!

I'm going to get through this though. Tomorrow morning I've told Ric, my husband, to have Ensminger crane service on speed dial just in case I can't get out of the bed.